9 March 2016

Older Women In The Workplace

Older Women In The Workplace

Is There a Place For Us?

As younger women most of us think that we can simply carry on with our careers – achieving all those things that we ever set our hearts on. But once we enter our 50’s or 60’s the workplace can become a very different place and it becomes more important than ever to retain that spark and our inner beauty – even when things get tough.

In the UK, the retirement age for women in their 60’s has recently been increased resulting in most women having to work for an extra 2 years more than they expected. While women in their 60’s have plenty to offer, employers may not always agree. This leaves women with a difficult dilemma: they want to work, they have to work, but finding work is harder than it looks.

This is where remembering your good points and the value of being an older woman becomes vitally important. By just remembering these for yourself, you should be able to convey that to those people you work with and for – hopefully giving you more longevity in your career.

  • Looking after your appearance can have much to do with retaining your inner confidence. This isn’t about looking younger or pretending your age doesn’t exist. It simply means putting yourself first and revealing the true you. Simple things like regular facials, using good makeup and cleansing products can make the ultimate difference in your well being and how you feel in the workplace.
  • Staying sharp while at work is also important. Remember that you have grown up and worked through a number of technological eras and that means you have special knowledge that others do not. Keep your skills up to date, but don’t be afraid of showing that sometimes the older ways of doing things can be better ways.
  • Us older women have a special confidence that should shine through in the workplace. We often just don’t care about things as much as other people do and we don’t let problems cause us issues at work. Our experience and calm attitude sets an example to younger people that is invaluable.

Your ability to maintain your place in the world as you get older boils down to one thing – confidence. If that comes from your looks, your abilities and your personality then you truly have a great starting point for your retirement – if you ever decide to retire that is!

Here at Medi Sculpt we believe that women of all ages should enjoy great looking skin throughout their working life and beyond.

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