
Read About Dr Anushka Reddy in recent publications

Longevity Annual 2018-2019

Beauty and aesthetics

A2 Mag Summer 2018

Beauty and aesthetics


The rise and rise of male aesthetics

Jawline without Surgery

Reshape your Jawline without Surgery

Refresh your

Without erasing your identity

Fat Melting Injections

Featherbrookes Dr Anushka Reddy on being…

Filling The

Featherbrookes Dr Anushka Reddy on being…


How do you choose an aesthetic practitioner?

Acne Scars No More

Did you know that an estimated 85% of the global population


First the sunbed was blacklisted and self-tan potions

Age Me

How do you slow down the ageing process?


In our quest for eternal youth, we bring you the latest emerging


Aesthetic Trends for 2014

They Look

The “trout pout” is back – and doctors warn that the latest technique


Women begged to be injected at an aesthetic-medicine meeting in Sandton

Botox Myths

It’s a name that is bandied about, and everyone seems to be doing it

Inspired Choices for 2013

When it comes to non-invasive anti-ageing procedures

Dangers of Facial Fillers

We have all seen – and laughed at – pictures of “trout pout” celebrities

Your Guide To Ageless Beauty

When it comes to getting the best out of your body and beauty

Check Your Cosmetic Surgeon’s Papers

South Africans are putting their bodies at risk when

From Dull
To Clear

Do you battle with dull skin? Address it during your lunch hour!

Chemical Facial Sculpture

When Lisa Hattingh turned 40, she treated yourself to an ‘injectable facelift’


How to feel your sexual best from your 20’s to your 50’s and beyond.

No Sweat With Botox

For those of us who suffer from the somewhat awkward condition that is excessive sweating…


If you’re planning to have treatment with Botox, first brush up on


‘n Bruin gebrande lyf kan jou ‘n paar kilogram lighter en meer soepel laat lyk.

Tired And…

You trust them to help make you look younger

Botox Myths Debunked

It’s a name that is bandied about, and everyone seems to

Face Lifters for the Knife Nervous

When needles are a no-no , facials with a little techno clout

Slowing the Hands of Time

The face hasn’t aged, but best not raise those grisly old hands lest you be betrayed!

Smoother Operators

More SA women face up to non-surgical solutions

Goodbye to Heavy Mornings

Say goodbye to heavy mornings with Thalgo’s new 3-in-1 “Look Good” fluid.

Hands on Approach

When it comes to beauty, nothing looks more desirable and beautiful

If I Could Turn Back Time

What happened when Eldaleen Hugo decided to take the plunge and investigate


Sweating and bad body odour have developed an overt air of social repugnance

Call Me Doctor

Dr Anushka Reddy is one of the best-dressed and most beautiful doctors in the country

Reddy Steady

Anushka Reddy is beaming. At six months pregnant

Juvederm Fillers

Non-surgical procedure to even and smooth out the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

Cutting-Edge Mom

Ask Dr Anushka Reddy how she manages to run a busy non-invasive cosmetic surgery clinic

Lift Your Looks

Botox is the celebrity line eraser of choice

Spring Renewal
Fantastic, Fearless and Confident
Jaw Dropping Good Looks

Dr Anushka Reddy of the Johannesburg Medi-Sculpt Clinic explains the role of Botox

Facelift Without Surgery?

Your best options by Dr Anushka Reddy

Skin Deep

For years, the art of laser resurfacing has been instrumental

Ageing is Natural

Ageing is a natural process, but according to Dr Anushka Reddy who is a non-invasive surgeon

Skin Care – Hands on Approach

When it comes to beauty, nothing looks more desirable and beautiful

Removal by Laser

Gone are the days when tattoos were considered taboo

The Liquid Face Lift

Johannesburg-based aesthetic physician, Dr Anushka Reddy

A Trip Down Sensory Lane

Sneak a peak into our beauty ed’s diary

Flutter Those Eyelashes
Medical Chronical
People Magazine
The Monte Carlo Make Over

The 8th Euromedicom conference was hosted in Monaco in April

Times Live
Top Billing
Unpack Those Eye Bags
Cellulite Bytes

Cellulite – we all dread it! What’s worse is that this nuisance seems to have a hard time disappearing.

Dry Sensitive Skin

Sooth your skin with these tips from Dr Reddy.

Get Your Shin On

For smoother skin and a youthful glow, oils could be your secret beauty ally.

People Magazine
Eliminate Cellulite

What is it? Cellulite is a problem that plagues all women.

Beeld August 2010
Focus on Hands

The skin on the back of your hands is extremely delicate and very thin…

The Chemical Peel

The chemical peel uses a chemical solution, usually an acid, to ‘peel’ away the top layers

Anti-Ageing Breakfast

Longevity magazine hosted a fact-filled anti-ageing talk with experts in the industry.

One more proof – The Aesthetic Journal Club
The Aesthetic Master Journal Club

A Meeting of Minds

It’s not about services,
It’s about ‘YOU’!

Our skilled team offers personalized treatments to enhance your beauty. From facials to body contouring, we tailor our services to your goals.

Dr Anushka Reddy


Aesthetic procedures performed


Combined years experience


Days spend offering a happier person

Speak To Our Experts. Call +27 11 958 2261 or Request A Quote


I have been coming to Dr Reddy for many years. She is definitely the best in the industry. She is up to date with the latest techniques and she also trains doctors. She is professional and her advice is always on point.

Don’t fall for these specials you see, you get what you pay for! She is leader in her field and recognized by her peers in SA. I highly recommend her services.

Judy – Gauteng


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