5 May 2015

Different Types Of Wrinkles and it’s treatment

Different Types Of Wrinkles and it’s treatment

Aging may be inevitable but there are some things you can do to help slow down the clock a bit (at least when it comes to your skin!). Here are the most common types of wrinkles and how to treat them (and even prevent them in some cases).

What are the most common types of wrinkles?

There are mainly four types of wrinkles have been recognized. Each wrinkle type arises on certain skin areas and reveals different characteristics.

  1. Atrophic Crinkling Rhytids – When the fine lines that flow parallel to each other come into view on your face.

They become visible on the different zones of the face as well as the body but become invisible when the skin is tightened transversally which means that they alter when your body pose alters. These wrinkles are related with the loss of elasticity.

  1. Permanent Elastic Creases – These wrinkles verge to begin with some type of crinkle line in the skin.

They become visible most often on the cheeks, the base of the neck and the upper lip. The older we grow, the more unending they become. The sun as well as an exposure to cigarette intensify the risk of fostering these kinds of wrinkles and turn them into worse.

  1. Dynamic Expression Lines – These are those wrinkles that are instigated by the facial muscle movements. When people make the same facial expressions again and again such as smiling or frowning, then that brings a crease on the skin on those particular areas. And with time they become permanent.

They are commonly known as crow’s feet and the frown or smile lines.

  1. Gravitational Folds – As the name infers, these lines are happen due to the influence of the gravity. As we grow older, our skin starts losing its elasticity and it becomes more and more apparent as the skin starts to fold and sag.

The position of this particular kind of wrinkles is correlated to the fatness of the skin. Well then it would mean that a thicker skin will flash more of these folds, but astonishingly the researchers have found that a chubbier face may flash few of these gravity folds than a thin face.

If you wish to have a permanent to these, then go for Botox treatments. You can get good quality Botox treatments at very reasonable price range at the MediSculpt Clinic.

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