7 April 2014



This month, my newsletter will cover condition I get frequently asked about: hyperpigmentation on darker skins and how I treat it at my Medi-Sculpt practice.

Hyperpigmentation is a common skin condition that is fairly hard to deal with. I will explain exactly what it is and how it comes about but I will also go into details about the treatment I offer to improve this condition.

Do you suffer from pigmentation issues?

If you are encountering hyperpigmentation and do not have dark skin, this newsletter will still give you key information. And of course, if you want to ask a question or leave a comment, feel free to do so on Facebook or right here on my blog and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Lastly, phone my rooms on 0861 003 007 to book a consultation and discuss your condition in more detail. I have treated many patients over the years and will be able to guide you into the right direction.


 First of all, let’s define what pigmentation is. Pigmentation of the skin relates to skin colour with the level of melanin in the cells in your skin determining the colour. Your skin colour will appear normal if you have healthy cells but will appear either lighter or darker if damaged or unhealthy.

Hyperpigmentation occurs when melanin is overproduced in certain spots on the skin.

Melanin is a pigment produced naturally in the skin, and it’s what gives us our natural colour or pigmentation.

Any discolouration on the skin that is darker than the rest of your skin is considered hyperpigmentation. It can occur on any area of your body- even the feet- but hyperpigmentation usually tends to appear on the face or hands.

My pigmentation page will give you some more information on the way I treat this condition 

Factors that can cause pigmentation of the skin are, for instance, sunlight exposure and changes in hormones causing spots or dark patches anywhere on your body. Remember a poor aesthetic treatment is also a cause, giving more reason to choose your aesthetic doctor carefully.

So what causes hyperpigmentation?

  • Sun exposure,
  • Hormonal influences,
  • Injuries,
  • Genetic factors,
  • Certain illnesses and ageing can all lead to an overproduction of melanin in particular areas, causing hyperpigmentation or dark spots to appear.

Many forms of hyperpigmentation are caused by an excess production of melanin. Hyper-pigmentation can be diffuse or focal, affecting such areas as the face and the back of the hands.

Ageing and Hyper-pigmentation

As the body ages, melanocyte distribution becomes less diffuse and its regulation less controlled by the body. UV light stimulates melanocyte activity, and where concentrations of the cells are denser than surrounding areas, hyperpigmentation is affected. Can also be caused by using skin-lightening lotions.


People with darker skin tones tend to be at more risk of hyperpigmentation, but it affects people of all ethnicities.

Hyperpigmentation can affect all skin types but is known as one of the most common skin conditions to affect dark skin. There are a few subtle differences between Caucasian skin and skin of colour, so it helps to bear this in mind when trying to treat hyperpigmentation on dark skin.

It is important to work with a doctor who understands the difference between skin types.

People with darker Asian, Mediterranean, or African skin tones are also more prone to hyperpigmentation, especially if they have excess sun exposure.

The biggest difference between Caucasian skin and skin of colour is the skins reaction to acne. Darker skin will suffer inflammation below the surface of the skin, while Caucasian skin will not.

This is the most common cause of hyperpigmentation on black skin, a condition more commonly known as Post Inflammatory Hyper-pigmentation (PIH).


 Are you maybe suffering from hyperpigmentation? You will be pleased to hear that pigmentation is treatable by skin peels!

There are many different kinds of chemical peels that are specifically formulated to help even out the overall skin tone and that are all extremely safe and designed to revitalise your skin.

One of them is a TCA peel which is the best hyperpigmentation treatment and that we offer at Medi-Sculpt.  

How do chemical peels treat hyperpigmentation? 

Skin peels are rubbed gently into your skin to remove the outer layers of dead skin cells by exfoliation, removing or fading the discolouration in the skin, encouraging collagen production helping new cells to grow and tightening the skin resulting in a more even, healthier, glowing, fresher, younger looking skin tone. Your skin will feel noticeably softer.

The pigmentation treatment on darker skin at Medi-Sculpt involves chemical peels using 20%-50% salicylic acid concentrations, or TCA peels.

The chemical solution is applied to the skin to help gain a smoother skin and even out the complexion by reducing areas of darker pigment spots. The added bonus of chemical peeling is that it also reduces the appearance of acne, fine lines and wrinkles.

How long does it take to treat my hyperpigmentation?

The entire pigmentation treatment only takes 25 minutes. The treatment must be administered by a doctor, which at Medi-Sculpt is Dr Reddy. You can return to normal activities after a salicylic acid peel. However, following a TCA peel the social downtime is approximately 48 hours

ALTERNATIVE ways of fighting hyperpigmentation

→be proactive!

Wearing a sunscreen of at least SPF 15 daily and avoiding sun exposure is crucial in preventing hyperpigmentation. Be mindful that discolouration is also in dead surface cells so it is imperative to exfoliate regularly to slough off the build-up, which will help minimize hyperpigmentation.

Exfoliation is key to preventing hyperpigmentation
If you have dry, sensitive or mature skin, it is best to exfoliate 1-2 times a week. If you have combination to oily skin, exfoliating 2-3 times a week is recommended.


 Have you heard of Crystal Tomato? Do you use skin-lightening lotions? Perhaps you should call my MediSculpt rooms about Crystal Tomato?

It is a revolutionary daily supplement aimed at lightening your skin from the inside out thanks to colourless carotenoids. This key ingredient has been proven to offer skin whitening and brightening benefits all the while protecting your skin from the effects of the sun.

Crystal Tomato is totally safe and you can expect to see results in 3 months! But if you are not sure whether it is the right treatment for your specific skin condition, do not worry, Dr Reddy specialises in skin treatments and will be able to give you the proper advice on the right treatment for you.

Remember, the first step is simply contacting us for your initial consultation, where we will discuss with you what a realistic and achievable outcome is, and what to expect from your treatment.

Phone our rooms on 0861 003 007 or send us an email on info@medisculpt.co.za.

Lastly, make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter where we post daily about all the treatments and procedures available at Medi-Sculpt!

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