1 July 2014

A2 Mag – 2014 Trends

A2 Mag – 2014 Trends

Aesthetic Trends for 2014

Looking back and looking forward

Year on year, there is one thing that everyone in the aesthetics industry is sure of… that the market will advance faster than one can imagine. If we look back to 2012 we would’ve never dreamt that preventative medicine would become such a buzzword. Similarly in 2013 skin rejuvenation and facial volumising became possible with the advancement of both technology and technique.

Through all the changes however there have been stalwarts in the industry and they continue to dominate the global popularity numbers. Botulinum Toxin is by far the most requested treatment globally because with technique advancement more and more treatment options became available using this toxin. Similarly dermal fillers have advanced in leaps and bounds, to offer all forms of anti-ageing treatment from rejuvenation to non-surgical facelifts.
These two treatments will in 2014 dominate the requests at my Medi-Sculpt practice and also globally. But how they are used may differ.

What are my trend predictions for 2014?

First and foremost I believe there will be a continuation of a trend that began toward the end of 2013. And that is a move toward less invasive procedures. Non-surgical Aesthetics offer the patients results that closely mimic surgery results, but without the downtime, recovery or price tag. Of course the results are not permanent, but for many patients this is seen as a positive as they can change their treatments as they age.

Another trend I see continuing is one towards smaller treatments more regularly. What we have learned over the last few years is that we can achieve very natural results with minimal social downtime by treating patients monthly with minor procedures rather than yearly with aggressive treatments.

What will be the treatment trends for 2014?

Botulinum Toxin

One cannot call it a trend any longer, due to global popularity, but Botulinum toxin treatments will continue to “trend” for very obvious reasons. There is no patient that would not benefit from a Botulinum toxin treatment.
Advancements in technique will see more treatment options for this versatile product.

Dermal fillers

Dermal fillers are the most versatile product available today, in 2014 we will see the continued trends of 2013, but I believe we will find more treatment techniques to compliment the wide scope already available. I believe that 2014 will see a rise in popularity in treatment of the hands and feet. Hands to rejuvenate and hide ageing, and feet for more comfort in wearing heeled shoes.

Volumising techniques

As a technique, volumising provides patients an ability to correct deformities or asymmetries and in 2013 the cheek augmentation and nose augmentation became popular. In 2014 this trend will extend to include the chin and jawline. By the end of 2014 most trained physicians will be able to completely recreate youthful contours using dermal fillers alone.

Skin Rejuvenation

Skin rejuvenation in 2012 meant single treatments of aggressive chemical peels. In 2013 this protocol included dermal fillers to add hydration and suppleness to the skin. In 2014 the advancements of the Dermapen and Vampire facial will mean skin rejuvenation should become part of everyone’s treatment protocol. Treatments will offer significant results, and even more so when combined. Skin rejuvenation will become the starting point for all treatments in 2014, or at least they should be.

Brand new trends for 2014

Of course these above-mentioned trends are simply tweaks and advancements on established treatments. So what is going to take 2014 by storm? Here’s my opinion, but remember, you heard it here first.


This is a technique that places specific emphasis on scaring, and acne scaring. The technique involves using a needle to break the fibrous bands beneath the skin causing the scar. In doing so, the skin will be released and the skin’s surface will appear smooth.

This protocol will often call for the injection of dermal fillers into the cavity below the scar to plump the area, to improve hydration and to kick-start the collagen induction. Subcision treatments are extremely effective at raising acne scars and only require a few treatments to see permanent results.

This may be a word uncommon to many, but by the end of 2014, I believe this will become the global standard treatment for acne scar sufferers.


Very interesting research suggests that caffeine could be a 2014 aesthetic savior. Scientists have been studying the long-term effect of caffeine in the skin, and what improvement can be expected through topical application.

We have known that caffeine in moderation has fantastic anti-oxidant properties and can act as an anti-inflammatory. As an added bonus caffeine in the bloodstream causes vascoconstriction (making blood vessels smaller).

What does this mean? These three properties make caffeine an obvious choice as an ingredient for topical eye creams. Eye rejuvenation is a popular but difficult treatment due the fragile nature of the skin in the area. The introduction of caffeine will reduce puffiness and redness. It must be made clear that no long-term studies have been completed yet.

Furthermore to this, the fact that caffeine has been declassified as a diuretic and the antioxidant properties indicate that as an ingredient caffeine may combat photoageing. Caffeine will cause damaged skin cells to die, therefore they cannot divide to form skin cancer, or other skin problems including wrinkles. This means that you might find caffeine included in your sunscreens in the near future. Caffeine as a trend, who would’ve thought?


2014 will without doubt prove to be a year where non-invasive aesthetic medicine outshines their surgical counterparts. My best advice to ensure you take advantage of these trends and make the most out of your treatments is to work with, and form a relationship with a trained and experienced doctor with an interest in aesthetic medicine.

A Special Thank You to @A2_Magazine

Bio of Dr Reddy

Dr Anushka Reddy is the owner of Medi-Sculpt and the President of the South African Association of Cosmetic Doctors (SAACD). She regularly contributes to various publications such as Woman and Home, Longevity, ELLE, The Star and has have appeared on TV programs like Carte Blanche Medical, Top Billing Eastern Mosaic, Maatband, CNBC Africa and Hello Doctor.

Dr Reddy travels both locally and internationally to discover new techniques and products to fulfill her patients’ aesthetic wishes.

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