14 March 2014

Stretch Marks, what you need to know

Stretch Marks, what you need to know

First off it must be said that stretch marks should be treated as early as possible. Once they become white treatment is extremely difficult. When you first notice you stretch marks it is important to moisturize well. This will aid in the treatment results.

Glycolic acid chemical peels can stimulate collagen and we use them frequently at Medi-Sculpt in conjunction with retinoid home care products to treat stretch marks.

The treatment cost depends largely on the location, size and age of your stretch marks.

Laser is an option in treating stretch marks but as they present very similar to scars there are numerous treatment options that in the right hands could treat your stretch marks. I.e. Carboxytherapy, Fractional laser, micro-needling.

The method is not as important as budget and physician experience. It is important to do your homework on your doctor, as results will be directly linked to their training and skill.

Lasers are notoriously expensive but in the right hands the treatment may be cheaper as fewer treatments will be needed.

It is very seldom that a single treatment will suffice and older stretch marks will require numerous treatments, whatever the method.

For further information on Stretch Marks, please click on the following link.

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