28 February 2014

SUBCISION – Effectively Treating Acne Scars

SUBCISION – Effectively Treating Acne Scars


This month in my newsletter, I’m explaining how I can treat acne scars at Medi-Sculpt thanks to a procedure called Subcision. I spoke about it back in January but this month I will give a more detailed explanation on what the procedure entails and who it is for.

Of course, don’t hesitate to visit my website if you are interested in the many other procedures I offer.

In simple terms, acne is the term for plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), pimples, and even deeper lumps (cysts or nodules) that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and the upper arms. Acne affects most teenagers to some extent. However, the disease is not restricted to any age group; adults in their 20s – even into their 40s – can get acne.

Acne can be upsetting and disfiguring. When severe, acne can lead to serious and permanent scarring. Even less severe cases can lead to scarring. To avoid acne scarring, treating acne early is important, but scarring can be unavoidable and treatment options should be explored to choose what’s right for your face’s scars.

Our solution to acne scarring?

Subcision which is a procedure used to break up fibrous bands that cause rolling scars.  This technique is performed under local anaesthesia by inserting a needle under the skin that is parallel to the skin surface.  It is essential that a trained physician performs this procedure as the needle must stay in the plane between the dermis and subcutaneous tissue.

If you would like to get rid of unpleasant acne scars, phone the Medi-Sculpt practice to book an appointment! Dial 0861 003 007 and our staff will gladly help you!


→What is Subcision?

Subcision is a minor procedure in which atrophic (depressed/sunken-in) acne scars are elevated to the level of the rest of the skin.  It is generally used for

  • Rolling scars or
  • Depressed scars with slopped in edges.

Subcisionis performed in my rooms under local anesthesia. It is used to improve the appearance of depressed areas, such as acne scars that are bound down by fibrous bands of collagen in the deeper skin.

The fibrous bands are broken up by placing a needle in the skin, moving it back and forth, and detaching them. The depressed area rises and in a few weeks skin is visibly smoother.

→Benefits of Subcision for Acne Scars!

  • No downtime
  • Minimal risk
  • Reduces saucer-shaped and broad-based acne scars

→What Subcision won’t do!

Subcision will however not work for ice pick scars. A TCA peel is the gold standard treatment for ice pick scars. In this technique, TCA 80% is applied sparingly in the ice-pick scar and let it frost. This will induce collagen production in the scar and lift it up.

At Medi-Sculpt we do offer TCA peels. Click on this link to find out more

→How subcision for acne scarring is performed?

During the subcision procedure, the needle is gently advanced or retracted in a piston-like motion, cutting the tethering bands.  The procedure causes bruising which fades within seven days.  Rolling acne scars respond particularly well to this technique.

The body naturally fills this void with new tissue (collagen proteins) and the upper layer of the scar tissue is raised as the void heals.

→Is Subcision for Acne Scars a once off treatment?

You must know that subcision may take several procedures to get rid of acne scars and does not work for every person. It is only used for cases in which the acne scars are pitted, which includes

  • Ice pick scars
  • Rolling scars
  • Box car scars

→How many acne scar treatments would I need?

Usually around two to three treatment sessions are required for subcision to produce significant improvement in an acne scar but of course this all depends on the quality of your skin and the severity of your scars.

→What recovery can I Expect?

Subcision will cause bruising and swelling which fades within seven days.  This approach, where appropriate, achieves significant improvement in the reduction of acne scars, usually within two to three sessions.  Rolling acne scars respond particularly well to this technique.

Patients are able to return to their normal activity the same day.  Bruising is possible, especially if patients have been taking a blood-thinning medication such as Aspirin.

→Is Acne Scar Subcision Right for Me?

It is best to book a consultation with Dr Reddy at Medi-Sculpt so she can evaluate the severity of your scarring and recommend you a procedure that is most likely to work for you. Acne scar subcision works best for depressed rolling scars.

→How is Subcision better than other acne scar treatments?

Subcision stimulates the normal tissue underneath the scar to regenerate; which ultimately “lifts” the scarred area. It ultimately frees the scar from attachment to the subcutaneous fat within the skin. A snapping sound may also be heard as the fibrous bands that hold the scar’s structure together, are broken in the skin.

Dr Reddy will also have you undergo a Visia scan to ascertain the exact quality of your skin too.

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Want to find out more?

If you are not sure whether or not subcision is the right procedure for you, please do book an appointment by phoning 0861 003 007 and Dr Reddy at MediSculpt will assess your skin condition and make sure you are heading in the right direction.

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