MEDISCULPT January Newsletter
MEDISCULPT January Newsletter
2014 trends!
Happy New Year everyone! For my first newsletter of 2014 I would like to talk about a few treatments trends that will be on offer at my practice and that you may not have heard of before! I am very excited for you to discover these superb options that will beautifully easy you into the New Year and boost your confidence!
Subcision! Do you know what it is? Definitely a Buzz Word for 2014…in this newsletter you will find out what this treatment entails and what it achieves but I will also be talking about chin and nose enhancing using dermal fillers!
If you are unhappy about your skin or a particular facial feature, you should not have to live with it. Phone the Medi-Sculpt practice on 0861 003 007 to find out more about the treatments that could help you feel amazing and to have a look at all the treatments and procedures we offer!
What is Acne Scar Subcision and how does it work?
Acne scar subcision is a cosmetic procedure that we use at Medi-Sculpt to improve the appearance of deep, depressed scars. It involves insertion of a needle through a puncture in the skin and maneuvering it with an aim to release the bands of fibrotic tissue beneath the skin surface. This raises the scar and evens it with the surrounding skin.
This is without doubt the best acne scar revision treatment
The goal with subcision is to insert a needle through the surface of the skin and cut the fibrous scar tissue pulling down the surface skin.
The procedure works by cutting the fibrotic tissue that attaches the scar to the fat tissue. This “releases” the scar. This allows the skin to be lifted since it is not bound down anymore. To add to the procedure Dr Reddy at MediSculpt will also inject dermal fillers beneath the scar to add volume and hydration.
Eventually, however, the hole in the skin is filled with tissue and pushed to the surface-level. The end result is a smooth, more even looking skin!
The subcision technique works best for rolling acne scars and boxcar acne scars.
Is Acne Scar Subcision Painful?
No, the procedure is not painful because Dr Reddy prefers to administer a topical anesthetic cream before the treatment. There may be some minor pain and swelling post procedure, but this normally resolves within a few days.
Does Acne Scar Subcision Remove the Scars Completely?
At Medi-Sculpt, we always make a point of telling our patients the absolute truth in order to avoid disappointments. Sometimes, subcision does completely remove the scars but other times, unfortunately it does not. The end results depend greatly on severity of the scars but most people are satisfied with the results because the scars are made a lot less visible.
Can Acne Scar Subcision Cause Side Effects?
Acne scar subcision is safe and relatively simple procedure but it is not entirely risk free. After the treatment, you may notice some bruising and pain and your scars may look rough and red for a few days.
In comparison to other acne scar removal procedures, acne scar subcision is the safest option.
Is a single subcision session enough?
All our MediSculpt procedures are personalized to suit your skin’s characteristics and needs so the number of sessions depends on how severe your scarring is.
For severe acne scars, multiple sessions are required, (on average three), about one month apart in order to achieve optimal results.
Is Acne Scar Subcision Right for Me?
It is best to book a consultation with Dr Reddy at MediSculpt so she can evaluate the severity of your scarring and recommend you a procedure that is most likely to work for you. Acne scar subcision works best for depressed rolling scars.
Subcision will however not work for ice pick scars. A TCA peel is the gold standard treatment for ice pick scars.
At Medi-Sculpt we do offer TCA peels so make sure to take a look at our Chemical Peels page to find out more!
Dermal Fillers for Nose Shaping (Non-surgical Rhinoplasty).
Did you know that it was possible for Dr Reddy to enhance the appearance of your nose without resorting to plastic surgery? It is indeed a wonderful non-invasive option that is performed using Restylane, which is the gold standard dermal filler used at MediSculpt.
Generally clients request that their nose to be straightened to remove the hump in the middle, or to lift the nose tip or bridge of their nose. Dr Reddy finds this one of the most rewarding procedures she offers, and as a bonus patients can see results immediately.
Dermal Fillers for Chin Augmentation
Chin augmentation is also offered at Face Value using Restylane to instantly re-volumise and reshape the chin. With clients who have small and under developed chins, placement of a deep Dermal Filler will create a more natural, fuller chin and restore natural balance to the face. Often by doing so, the face appears slimmer.
The technique involves using Restylane, one of the best dermal filler brands on the skin rejuvenation market. They are both lunch hour procedures as you can have the procedure completed within an hour.
Non-surgical facial augmentation will continue to be all the rage throughout 2014 as new techniques are pioneered and products are developed to make for safer procedures.
The joy is that you no longer need to undergo the knife to redefine your jawline, augment your nose or correct your chin. Watch this space, as more and more non-surgical options become available.
I hope you enjoyed this first newsletter?! If you would like to know more about specific topics, feel free to leave a message on my Facebook page or via Twitter and I will make sure to attend to your request!
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