21 November 2013

Treatable Pigmentation

Treatable Pigmentation

Pigmentation of the skin relates to skin colour with the level of melanin in the cells in your skin determining the colour. Your skin colour will appear normal if you have healthy cells but will appear either lighter or darker if damaged or unhealthy – this often reveals itself in the form of pigmentation.
Factors that can cause pigmentation of the skin are, for example, sunlight exposure and changes in hormones causing spots or dark patches anywhere on your body. There are many causes for these fluctuations including:

  • Pregnancy
  • Supplements
  • Excessive sun exposure

Are you maybe suffering from hyperpigmentation? You will be pleased to hear that pigmentation is very treatable using chemical skin peels.

There are many different kinds of chemical peels that are specifically formulated to help even out the overall skin tone and that are all extremely safe and designed to revitalise your skin.

One of them is a TCA peel, which is the best hyperpigmentation treatment that we offer at Medi-Sculpt, the other is Salicylic Acid which is a little more gentle on the skin.
Skin peels are designed to gently remove the outer layers of dead skin cells by exfoliation, removing and/or fading the discolouration in the skin, encouraging collagen production helping new cells to grow and tightening the skin resulting in a more even, healthier, glowing, fresher, younger looking skin tone. Your skin will feel noticeably softer.
The pigmentation treatment at MediSculpt involves preforming chemical peels using between 20%-50% salicylic acid concentrations, or alternatively TCA peels (Trichloroacetic acid). After each application the chemical peel solution will help:

  • Even skin complexion
  • Reduce darker pigmentation spots
  • Provide a smooth skin texture

As an additional bonus chemical peels used in pigmentation treatments also contribute to the reduction of acne, acne scars and fine lines and wrinkles.

It is not uncommon to experience some skin redness or minor swelling post a chemical peel treatment for pigmentation. These side effects will clear shortly, but it may take up to one week for your skin to return to normal and show your final result. This is due to the cellular re-building taking place to make visible the unblemished skin cells from below.
During the healing phase you can expect some light peeling, but this is not always the case. Deeper peels i.e. TCA do proliferate more skin peeling and crusting and this flaking should always be allowed to heal naturally; this preserves the aesthetic condition of your skin.

At MediSculpt Dr Reddy recommends a course of four salicylic acid peels at monthly intervals or alternatively two TCA peels at six monthly intervals. This all depends on your desired results, budget and acceptable social downtime.

The entire pigmentation treatment takes approximately 25 minutes to complete. Either Dr Reddy or the MediSculpt trained therapist will administer each pigmentation chemical peel treatment for safety. You will be able to return to your normal social activities immediately after your salicylic acid peel. However, following a TCA peel you can expect a minimum of 48 hours social downtime.

Should you have any queries, make an appointment to see Dr Reddy, she will provide you with her best advice to your specific skin needs.

So if you are on the hunt for a superb pigmentation treatment in Johannesburg, remember, the first step is simply contacting us for your initial consultation, where we will discuss with you what is a realistic and achievable outcome, and what to expect from your treatment. Phone our rooms on 0861 003 007 or send us an email on info@medisculpt.co.za. Lastly, make sure to follow us on Facebook where we post daily about all the treatments and procedures available at Medi-Sculpt!

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