5 August 2013




Hi everyone and welcome to the Medi-Sculpt August newsletter which I hope you will enjoy!

As you know, August is traditionally known as the windy month and as we all have some grasp of the effect that the dry winter has on our skin I thought it a good idea to tell everyone how the wind and climate similarly can affect your skins visible age. This month in my newsletter I am thrilled to tell you all there is to know about ageing prevention in winter and I will also give you some great tips when it comes to skin care during the harsh winter months!

As always, visit our website www.medisculpt.co.za  for more information on all the procedures and treatments I offer all year long. Also, make sure you visit and like my Facebook page! It is always filled with valuable information on many different topics.

Finally, if you would like to book an appointment at my rooms, go ahead and dial 0861 003 007!

I hope you enjoy what follows!


Winter: the dry season. What does this season actually do to my skin?

With less moisture in the air during winter it is important to understand that your skin will quickly become dehydrated. This dehydration will quicken if your skin is exposed to the winter elements.

Dehydrated skin is far more likely to wrinkle and age.

Cold winds can also strip moisture from exposed skin. Do you often find that in winter or in the wind your skin is:

  • Rough
  • Red
  • Tight
  • Cracked
  • Peeling

Some tips to keep your skin hydrated

To treat a mild case of dry skin at home:

  • Avoid taking long, hot showers, and
  • Apply a moisturizer daily
  • Pat dry your face after a shower
  • Use a professional cleanser and not a harsh soap

When skin is dry or dehydrated, any amount of wrinkling or flaws look more exaggerated. Applying a moisturizer will make wrinkles look less apparent and can help skin look and act younger, but that is not the same thing as giving skin what it needs to repair itself.

You can visit Medi-Sculpt for skin rejuvenation treatments to recreate Hydrobalance in the skin and reverse dehydration-damaged skin.

The needs of your skin, including hydration and moisturizing, will change as you age. Moisturizers attract water molecules plumping up dehydrated skin and making wrinkles less noticeable – you should moisturize in both winter and summer, but you should double your efforts in the dryer seasons.

At Medi-Sculpt we can prescribe you cosmeceutical moisturizer to suit all seasonal conditions.


No matter what the weather is like, the sun should always be a main concern. Exposure to sunlight is one of the major causes of wrinkles and premature aging, so wearing a high SPF sunscreen can keep your skin looking young and fresh

Even when it doesn’t feel hot, the sun’s rays can damage your skin, so apply sunscreen every day – even if it’s cold or cloudy

Want to see how the sun affects your skin ageing?

Look at your bum, inner arms, and abdomen. You may be surprised to see that these areas have minimal to no signs of “aging and compare that with skin that is constantly exposed to the sun. The hidden skin has far more of the firmness, elasticity, and colour of “younger” skin than the sun-exposed areas!

Now that’s proof positive of just how strongly sun exposure and wrinkles are connected.

→Can we fix sun damage here at Medi-Sculpt?
Yes, to an extent. There are multiple treatment options to rejuvenate the skin and soften wrinkles caused by the sun.


At Medi-Sculpt, Dr Reddy can now perform a Visia scan for skin analysis to help choose the ideal skin treatment method to suit your needs!

As we head into spring it is important to realise that the warmer months also can affect your skin ageing.

In warmer months, increased heat and humidity can cause your skin to sweat, leaving you more prone to breakouts, especially if your skin is oily.

Oily skin tip!
Using a cleanser with salicylic acid can help dry up oil in an oily skin, but it can also make your skin more sensitive to sunlight, so use caution and apply these products at night.

Fine lines and wrinkles are signs of chronological aging; there’s no way to avoid them but we can make them worse. As we grow older, our skin becomes thinner and drier. Weakened collagen makes the skin less elastic and static wrinkles begin to appear.

External habits that affect skin ageing and wrinkles!
Poor lifestyle choices will impact our skin even if you are being extremely sensitive to your climate and environment.

Smoking? (This goes for smoking yourself of being with a smoker)
cigarette smoke depletes your body of Vitamin C, which is a key ingredient for keeping skin plump and moist.

→We can replace lost Vitamin C and reverse the damage caused by smoking with:

  • Chemical peels
  • Dermal fillers
  • Botulinum toxin

Lack of exercise can age your skin!
Living a non-exercise filled life contributes to aging skin, because exercise helps to tone your muscles and get your blood flowing.

→Some aesthetic treatments will stimulate blood flow to keep the skin healthy with a supply of oxygen.

Alcohol abuse
Alcohol contributes to aging skin by dilating small blood vessels in the skin and increasing blood flow near the skin’s surface. This can lead to redness and broken capillaries.

→Dr Reddy at Medi-Sculpt has very specific treatment options to treat skin redness and reverse ageing from alcohol related causes.

Stress can cause wrinkles!
To help reduce aging skin due to stress, be aware of your stress level and try to vary your facial expressions during the day. If you are stressed you agrevate and extend the use of overactive muscles and this can cause a permanent fold in the skin – giving you a wrinkled appearance.

A good anti-aging skin care program should include meditation, yoga, gentle exercise or other relaxation techniques.

Lack of sleep?
Too little sleep makes you look and feel tired. One of the first places lack up sleep shows up is on the face, with dark circles and bags under the eyes, and sagging skin.

→The treatment options to remove bags under the eyes and dark circles include:

  • Dermal fillers
  • Homecare

I hope you learned a few things to help keep you young, especially in your lifestyle and in your living environment. Wear sunblock and take care of yourself and you will be fine, that way we will only need to treat your chronological ageing… and this will save you time and money.


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