15 July 2019



Probably you’ve noticed your skin inability to ‘bounce back’ like it used to and those saggy cheeks, deep crow’s feet, or even a neck ‘wattle’ adding decades to your appearance. It’s called aging and this process shows itself in many ways, the most visible being wrinkles and sagging skin as well as changes in the facial skeleton, musculature and connective tissues. You may also wonder about ways of turning back the clock and refreshing your appearance without without going under the knife.

Twenty years ago the only option was surgery, now we have injectables, threads, and lasers available – there’s so much more you can do to for a fresh, rejuvenated look. Patients who visit my clinic are looking for a brighter, and more refreshed version of themselves. This is the main reason why non-invasive procedures have gained in popularity in the last few years – Botox and filler injections help enhance your natural beauty and highlight your best features while leaving your appearance refreshed and rejuvenated. On top of Botox, you can have fillers to fix sagging areas on your face and restore volume as well as remove dark circles underneath your eyes, chemical peels to improve skin texture, and even face-lift threads, that absorb into the body – all this done during your lunch break.

It’s time to take a step back, book some time for yourself and reward yourself with the gift of beautification and rejuvenation. These touches will get you on your way to looking fabulous by addressing your concerns one be one:


Women have a higher risk of developing cellulite as their connective tissue and fat cells are arranged differently compared to men so don’t worry, you’re not alone. It affects almost 90 percent of women and 10 percent of men and it’s mostly visible on their thighs and buttocks. Even women you see in movies and magazines suffer from this “orange peel” effect – gossip magazines tend to remind us about it every time they display unflattering photos of stars who are caught off guard.

The fix

To improve the orange peel appearance given by cellulite you can give CelluErase a try. This microsurgical blade treatment is specifically designed to erase depressed lesions that results from the alteration of the network of connective tissue strands that tethering the dermis to the deeper layers.

There is a substantial reduction in the fibers, resulting in the skin covering the area in question being deepened (inwards), thus creating the local impressions. A microsurgical blade with a flattened knife is the tool of choice. So, the skin regains the texture and improvement in microcirculation is observed. CelluErase is a new treatment that is most effective in the treatment of cellulite. The impressive results are achieved with a single session, no repetitions are required and no pain.

Tired look

If you feel like you need your appearance to show how full of energy and life you feel on the inside a more vibrant, smooth and refreshed skin is the answer.

The fix

Botox and dermal fillers can temporarily reverse the signs of aging by offering tremendous improvements with minimal downtime. Botulinum toxin injections can reduce facial wrinkles, soften frown lines, forehead lines and crow’s feet while dermal fillers (hyaluronic acid and collagen stimulators) can reduce the appearance of nose to mouth lines and replace the facial volume loss that gives you a tired look.

Under-Eye Bags or Hollows

Do you have a tired and drawn facial appearance? Puffiness, bags and dark circles can change the look of your whole face.

During our youth, healthy skin and muscles do their best to hold fat back, but as we get older, they start to lose that battle and we end up with puffy bags outlining our eyes.

The Fix

Depending on what’s causing your bags, you might be able to get rid of them. If they’re the result of getting older, you only have a few options – and they all involve needles or scalpels.

It is possible to have filler placed in the hollows underneath your eyes in the tear trough region, in order to rejuvenate this area. To ensure the results are both effective and natural, it is essential to couple this technique with a conservative amount of filler.

The tear trough condition can be corrected with a cheek volumisation procedure to help restore the volume of the front cheek pads. I would then combine this procedure with an energy-based skin tightening procedure, such as radio frequency, or a skin peel to address the loose skin.

Loss of facial contouring

Aging has a major impact on how our facial skeleton, musculature and connective tissues change in time and those facial features that we once believed they defined us – feminine jawline, plump lips or vibrant eyes – become victims of gravity and loss of elasticity.

The fix

Perfect for enhancing your best facial features, the liquid facelift is a cosmetic facial rejuvenation procedure designed to bring a more aesthetically-pleasing look to your face by reducing the visible appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and restoring lost facial volume and firmness.

The goal of a non-surgical Liquid Face Lift procedure is to lift the entire face or to contour specific facial features. Bags can be masked under the eyes by using Liquid Facelift techniques; eyes can be opened up and lids lifted; jowls can be lifted and diminished; natural shape can be restored to flattened cheeks or temple areas; corners of the mouth can be lifted; as well as several other facial feature benefits. Results are visible immediately with the fillers. The effects of Botox will take up to 10 days after which you will see a marked improvement in wrinkles.

Pigmented and damaged skin

Do you feel that you skin has lots its glow and that the sun has left it pigmented and damaged?

There’s a spotless, flawless complexion lying just beneath the surface of your skin and aestheticians have found that a classic treatment is the fastest way to reveal it.

The fix

Chemical peels can deliver certain skin benefits like reversing melasma and breakouts better than high-tech devices such as lasers. By removing old surface cells, they improve fine lines, acne and discoloration for all skin types and colors. They can also correct age spots, skin tone, freckles, melasma, sun damage, and some peels can even freshen the skin through exfoliation.

How do chemical peels work? After application, acids lift away dead cells and trigger a chain reaction: as the surface layer is shed, signals are sent to the cells below to multiply and move up. This increases collagen production, raises the level of hyaluronic acid and makes you look younger. Another benefit of a chemical peel treatment is the increased performance of your skin care products as there are no dead cells impeding their penetration.

Thin Lips

A woman’s lips should always be a focus of attention for their beauty and allure. Sensual, attractive lips that draw the eye and the imagination in a non-verbal way. But when the lips begin to thin, or lines begin to bleed into the border of the lips, even the most expensive and expertly applied lip make-ups fall short. Lips lacking body and shape and which have lost some of their subtle curvatures and style or become “a thin strip of red” send negative messages that suggest ageing and loss of sensuality. Restoring the lips (or bringing out shapes and fullness that were never really there) brings it all back, and then some.

The fix

Lip sculpting is an innovative way of applying an injectable to the components of the lip thus enhancing its attractive features. The volume of the lip can be enhanced to make thin or tight lips more fleshy and luscious. The bottom lip can be accentuated by plumping it so that it becomes more attractive as well.

The most important part of lip sculpting is the creation of a natural cosmetically pleasing result. A successfully sculpted lip should not attract the attention of having been “done” and that is what we are good at!


Are you looking forward to a renewed you? Rejuvenation by way of aesthetic procedures is the answer. From a non-surgical, no pain facelift, to wrinkles and acne scars removal, or non-surgical body contouring, there’s always something in the aesthetic medicine to help show off a brighter, and more refreshed version of yourself!


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