23 March 2015

Myths about Facelifts and more

Myths about Facelifts and more

Myths about Facelifts, Fillers, Cosmetic Surgeries and Skin Care

Here are the few myths that I would want to unveil about the facelifts, liquid facelifts, fillers, cosmetic surgeries and skin care. I’ve been constantly working with my team at Medi-Sculpt to provide our clientèle the best services in the field of Aesthetics.

MYTH ONE: Everyone ages the same in the face, so the same facelift procedure will work for everyone.

This is absolutely not true. Recent ground-breaking work on facial fat compartments has shown that we all age differently. This has led to new and more natural ways to customize facelifts for the future. Additionally, the environment clearly plays a role in how we age. There are adverse effects on our skin from the sun, wind and tobacco, among other things.

MYTH TWO: Fillers and Botox are the new non-surgical facelift.

After a certain age, nothing can produce the results of an actual surgical facelift. However, the proper and skilled combination of Botox and fillers can certainly postpone the appearance of ageing in younger patients. Botox can smooth the forehead while lifting and shaping the brows. Fillers can plump up the lips and cheeks and soften the nasolabial folds. The results aren’t permanent, but they require very little downtime.

MYTH THREE: Stem cells from fat work so well they will replace all facial fillers used today.

Perhaps in the future, but not now, as we still have to refine how we harvest, grow and stimulate stem cells. But we’ll get there in the next five years!

MYTH FOUR: You won’t age naturally if you have cosmetic surgery.

When plastic surgery was in its infancy, surgeons focused on tightening the loose skin of the ageing face. With further research done by plastic surgeons, we now know that an aged appearance is not only caused by loosening skin but by the loss of facial fat. We can naturally rejuvenate the face by techniques that both lift and fill the face. Using these new concepts of fat compartments and fat replacements within the deeper layers, we’ve moved to the next generation of facelift technology.

MYTH FIVE: You can remove dark under-eye circles with a cream.

Unlikely, under-eye circles can have many causes, including skin pigmentation, shadowing, thin skin and visibility of underlying blood vessels. Different procedures to treat these problems may include the use of Retin-A or bleaching creams, chemical peels or lasers, and potentially surgery to blend the eyelid-cheek junction.

MYTH SIX: Plastic Surgery is the Same as Cosmetic Surgery

All plastic surgeons do not have the same training. Many doctors trained in, and qualified in, other specialities such as dermatology or ENT have ventured into plastic surgery, causing what is known as “white coat confusion”. Yes, they are Qualified- but not in plastic surgery.

Likewise, doctors who report to be qualified in cosmetic surgery do not the necessary experience in cosmetic surgery.

Patients choosing a surgeon for their cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures should always inquire about a doctor’s qualification as a plastic surgeon and their cosmetic surgery experience.

Safety and satisfaction of a customer is the goal of any professional who is associated with this industrial domain of Aesthetics. This issue of prime importance when undergoing a liquid facelift and patients should be certain that all products, techniques which are used in their procedure are medically approved. All of the facts mentioned above article have been deeply researched by the approved practitioners. When undergoing a liquid facelift or any other plastic surgery procedure, it’s very important to work with a highly experienced and credible physician to ensure optimal results. Hence, the professionals at Medi Sculpt are the best in this area.

For more details and queries, visit us at www.medisculpt.co.za

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