29 April 2014

Botox versus Browlift: the pros and cons.

Botox versus Browlift: the pros and cons.

De Kat & Dr Reddy

What is better a browlift or botox treatment?

First I must start off by saying that I am not a plastic surgeon, and that only plastic surgeons should perform invasive surgical procedures like Browlift surgery. That said, I do see many patients with this exact question and this is how I answer them.

There are two schools of thought as to why one would opt for one or the other:

  1. Patients want the permanent result of Botulinum toxin (Botox®, Dysport®)
  2. Patients want to avoid going under the knife and want to mimic the Browlift results.

The key factor to remember is that there is no ideal answer. Botulinum toxin can mimic a Browlift result but temporarily, and a brow lift offers permanent results but does not offer the range of results as Botulinum toxin.
If one were considering undergoing a Browlift to eliminate the need for Botulinum toxin injections then this would not be possible. Given the limitations of results one would always need to treat the glabellar area with Botulinum toxin, but in this case your costs would be reduced.

If you were thinking of eliminating a Browlift procedure and opting for Botulinum toxin as the treatment alternative then you would find this a suitable replacement. The single drawback would be the duration of Botulinum toxin and therefore multiple procedures.

I thought they both do the same thing?

Both options treat the same area, but cannot achieve the same result. A Browlift in most cases treats the lateral or outer element of the brow as the glabellar region is fairly well attached and stable. This means, in my opinion, that a Browlift procedure is designed to reshape a brow and as a secondary result remove wrinkles. This also means however that the most common indication for Botulinum toxin, the glabellar region, is often untouched during Browlift surgery.

If brow shaping is all you are after then Botulinum toxin can achieve those results without surgical downtime. By temporarily paralyzing constrictive muscles we can release the brow into a more youthful shape and reverse the visible signs of ageing. And forehead lines and the glabellar region can be treated simultaneously.


If you are considering a Browlift procedure make sure to visit you aesthetic doctor and have them mimic the surgical results. This way you will be able to “test” the result and perhaps you might find the Botulinum toxin route to suite you better or at least stave off the surgery.

You can find Dr Reddy on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and on MediSculpt’s Website

You can find De Kat by clicking here.

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