6 February 2013

Smooth Cellulite and Lose Centimetres with VelaShape II

Smooth Cellulite and Lose Centimetres with VelaShape II

Let me guess… The Festive Season is no more than a fading memory and a lingering extra dress size, and despite your ironclad New Year’s resolution and a concerted effort in January to make it stick, the only thing that’s sticking is the stuff you resolved to get rid of?

If it makes you feel better: You. Are. Not. Alone! With each passing New Year it gets harder and harder to shed those extra kilos and regain your youthful, slimmer contours.

So that’s the bad news, the good news though is that technology is having none of that!

VelaShape II is an exciting new body shaping and cellulite treatment that actually delivers real results. “How real?” you ask. Well, in studies using VelaShape II, patients reported an up to 60% overall improvement in skin texture and an average reduction of two centimetres. That real!

Medi-Sculpt Aesthetic Solutions is proud to offer this breakthrough, non-invasive medical solution, which uses elōs (the combined energies of bi-polar radio frequency and optical energy) to precisely target and heat fatty tissues, coupled with vacuum and mechanical massage to even out the skin for a smoother, tighter appearance.

VelaShape II is ideally suited for the treatment of thighs and buttocks and its two applicators, the VSmooth and the VContour, enable us to effectively target and treat both small and large body areas. Typically you need just four treatments to achieve real results, the effects of which will be most apparent in the six to eight weeks following the last treatment.

So when you’ve had it with “miracle creams” and other snake oil solutions for cellulite and if dieting alone isn’t doing a darn thing about moving those extra centimetres, call us on 0861 003 007 and let’s do something real about it!

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