Match the Gift of a New Year with the Gift of Consideration for Your Body & Skin
Match the Gift of a New Year with the Gift of Consideration for Your Body & Skin
The New Year is a gift that is infused with the promise inherent in all things new. It is unsullied, untried and untested – it is 100% pure potential. It represents our legitimate opportunity to perform a Ctrl+Alt+Del on what may have been a less than perfect past year and to start again.
Now grab this gift with both hands and as you gently untie its bow and remove its wrapping, pause to reflect on where you want its potential to manifest in your life. And, whatever else you decide upon, I urge you to include with that the determination to first take care of and nurture yourself.
Your body is the vehicle that will enable you to accomplish all the goals and tasks you set for yourself in 2013 so treat it with respect and kindness, all the while knowing that your regard for it comes not from a place of vanity but rather from esteem for its purpose and awe of its potential.
Start with the fundamentals of pursuing a healthy skin and body care regime. Take a third-party view of your skin and body and critically (but kindly!) assess which areas may require rejuvenation. Pose these and other questions to yourself as you do so. Do I need to focus on improving contours? Are there spider veins, blemishes, scars or wrinkles that I want to get rid of or minimise? Does my skin lack elasticity and volume? Do I look older than I am or older than I want to look?
Of course it can be really, truly difficult to be objective about yourself! If it borders on the impossible, or you’re uncomfortable trying or simply prefer to hand the assessment over to the experts, then come in to Medi-Sculpt Aesthetic Solutions for an expert skin, anti-ageing and body analysis.
Our trained professionals will provide you with an expert skin assessment, personalised anti-ageing advice, along with information on the treatment options available to you.
Call, visit our website at or stop by any one of the Medi-Sculpt clinics today and discover the many ground breaking non-surgical and non-invasive ways in which you can manage the ageing process, enhance your physical assets and make the absolute most of the body that will carry you toward the achievement of your goals in 2013.
Happy New Year Folks!