15 February 2012

Regular guys and Bro-tox

Regular guys and Bro-tox

As far as Simon Cowell is concerned, Botox™ is de rigueur if one is in the public eye. But now it seems more and more “regular guys” are turning to the needle in an effort to slow the ageing process too.

Dubbed ‘Bro-Tox’, this new age of male grooming is not limited to image conscious metro-sexuals.

In the past, there was a social stigma attached to men seeking cosmetic treatment. However, in today’s society seeking medical advice and treatment to improve your looks is no longer the preserve of women and cosmetic procedures among men are on the rise. When it comes to Botox™ treatment, around 15 to 30 % of patients are male, but the exact number is dependent on your location. It is now the most popular non-surgical procedure amongst men.

The motivation behind seeking Botox™ treatment varies between individuals. Some men seek treatment in the belief it will boost their chances on the singles scene, and experience a confidence boost as a result of the procedure. But for many men, Botox is seen as a career investment. The most commonly treated area in men is the frown lines between the eyes. If these lines are deep, they can cause a person to look angry even when their expression is neutral. Removing these lines can give a person a more ‘approachable’ appearance, which can be a career advantage for many men whether they are a salesman who needs to appear friendly or an attorney who needs to make a good impression in the court room.

Men sometimes require a much higher dose of Botox™ than women to reduce frown lines because of their stronger and more bulky musculature. Injecting too much Botox™ above the brow area can give the eyebrows an arched and immobile appearance. This can either make the patient look permanently startled or slightly feminine. At Medi-sculpt™ this is avoided – each treatment is tailored to suit individual treatments and we aim to have treatment outcomes that are effective but natural.

Similarly, we avoid administering too high a dose when treating crows feet in order to avoid the ‘wide eyed’ look which many women aspire to, but which can cause embarrassment to a male patient.

Men can also benefit from the medical applications of Botox™. Recent findings have now found that Botox injections can help men with enlarged prostates – a condition which affects more than half of men over the age of 60 (this is an “off-label” us that is not performed at the clinic). Other medical applications of Botox™, common to both men and women, are the treatment of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and bruxism (teeth grinding that can lead to severe headaches).

An Anti-wrinkle injection with Botulinum Toxin is an extremely quick procedure. Treatment takes less than 15 minutes and you can resume your normal routine immediately. The recovery period is very short. A little tenderness and bruising are possible side-effects but these disappear after a few days and you can then enjoy the results of Botox treatment for several months before treatment must be repeated.

Dr Anjana Bhana

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