Chemical Peel

Lightening Pigmentation After Acne

Chemical Peel

What treatment can be used to lighten pigmentation caused by acne?

A Zo Stimulator Peel can treat acne scars by re-texturising thickened or oily skin, and improve the appearance of large pores. In addition, it will exfoliate the skin’s upper layer and allow improved absorption of products.

What are the contra-indications?

If you have allergies to aspirin based products (salicylates), resorcinol or lactic acid you cannot have a peel. Other contra-indications are using Roaccutane in the last 6 months, dermatitis or infection in the area that needs to be treated. Pregnancy and abnormal wound healing are also contra-indicated.

How many sessions will I need?

We recommend a course of 4 peels. This, of course, depends on the skin type, the skin condition, peel strength, and desired outcome.

What does it feel like?

ZO Stimulator peel solution is at a low pH, so it will sting a little. Throughout the application (10-20 minutes) the patient holds a device, which gently blows out cool air – this helps to reduce the sting.

What are the after-care instructions?

Avoid the use of moisturizers or lotions containing active ingredients such as retinol, glycolic acids, perfumes and colors. Please use the moisturizer supplied to you for 3-7 days or until your skin is no longer sensitive. Thereafter, continue with your usual moisturizers unless advised otherwise. Your skin will be a little more sensitive to the sun so keep sun exposure to a minimum. Please wear a hat and sunscreen daily. This should be a regular routine for you anyway!

How much does it cost?

The Zo Stimulator peel costs R1 350 per session.
One session will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Chemical Peel before and After

Before and After treatment images of Acne scars

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